Article writing may be one of the most overlooked, yet profitable skills to develop as a content marketer. A single well-written article can be the difference between a website gaining or losing thousands of dollars in potential traffic and subscribers. But article writing takes skill, which is why it takes more than just anyone to write a wildly successful article.
Questions that are to be kept in mind. How can you keep your article writing interesting?
Here are my top ways to make your article writing more interesting and engaging.
Below are some steps to guide you through the way:
Step 1 – Identify Your Topic:
- The first step of article writing is identifying your topic. You want to make sure that you choose a topic that you are passionate about and want to share with others.
- By choosing a topic that you are passionate about, it will be easier for you to write an interesting article.
- To start developing ideas for your article writing, you may want to brainstorm first.
- This is the process of generating a big list of ideas by writing quickly and without stopping. Brainstorming will help you identify your topic, which is the most important part of your article.
- Identify the topic you want to write about. – for example, if you’re writing an article on your favorite high end watch, identify it, then start writing about what you know. Don’t worry about the format or style at this point. Just write about the things you know about.

Step 2 – Do Your Research:
Research is the key to good article writing. You’ll want to do a lot of research on your topic, but you’ll also need to do research on how people are searching for information about it.
Research is the key to good article writing. You’ll want to do a lot of research on your topic, but you’ll also need to do research on how people are searching for information about it.
- Doing this research will help you figure out long-tail keywords, synonyms and what types of questions people are asking about your topic. All of this information can be used to create better headlines, improve your copy and make better content.
- The former step in researching your topic is to identify some key areas that you want to cover. This allows you to focus on the most important aspects of your writing and will keep you from going off on tangents.
- The next step is to find sources for your research. You want a mix of secondary and primary research that will help you get the information that you need.
The following are some good sources for research:
- Books
- Articles
- Websites
- People

Step 3 – Initiate Contact:
The first step in article writing is to initiate contact with people who are looking for articles.
- The best way to do this is by writing articles that people need.
- There are many places online where you can find articles that people want. Some of these include freelance websites, article directories, forums, or even social media sites.
- The most important thing to remember when writing articles for article writing is to write in a way that will attract readers and make them want to read your article.
- If the reader does not want to read the article, then they will not read it and will probably delete it from their computer.
- This means that the content of the article will be worthless and will not help you generate any traffic at all.
- When you are writing articles, you should always use keywords in your content so that search engines can find your site when someone searches for that particular keyword.
Step 4 – Prepare a Perfect Outline for your Article:\
- Main points and subpoints;
- Introduction, body, and conclusion.
- Make sure that all the sentences in the outline are clear and concise.
- This will help you to write the main part easily and not to get lost during the process.
- Preparing an outline for your article writing is essential since it helps you keep your thoughts organized and makes it easier for readers to follow your argument.
- An article without an outline often looks disorganized and confusing.

Step 5 – Edit the Article and Proofread:
After writing the article, be sure to edit it and proofread it again. Make sure there are no typos or grammatical errors in the text. Also make sure that there are no factual errors in the text.
- The second is to edit the article and make sure that it flows properly, that there are no grammatical mistakes, and the content is relevant to the topic.
- Once the article has been edited, it is time to proofread it.
- This means going over it with a fine-toothed comb and making sure there are no spelling or grammar errors, that it flows well, and that it makes sense.
- If needed, you can read through the article again and edit it further.
- Once you have proofread your article and made sure that everything is correct, you can publish it on your blog or website.
- Make sure that the title of your post is relevant to the content of your post as well.
- This will help people find your article when they are searching for information on a specific topic.

Step 6 – Format the Article Correctly:
- Make sure you format your article correctly and check it for grammar and spelling mistakes. Readers won’t take your writing seriously if it’s poorly written.
- Use a professional font like Times New Roman or Arial. You can use a different font to make your title stand out, but make sure it complements the body of the text and isn’t too distracting.
- To format an article correctly, you need to know who your audience is and what they’re interested in.
- The article should have a professional tone that is neither too complicated nor too simple.
- It’s important to avoid using jargon, slang, or even clichés, as this can make it hard for your readers to understand the article.
- Although there are no strict rules about formatting an article, the following are some guidelines:
- Be concise. Longer articles can be difficult for people to read on the Internet. Many people don’t even finish articles that go beyond two pages. Try not to delve into too much detail.
- Make it easy for readers to scan through your text by breaking up paragraphs and including subheadings.
- Use bullet points and numbered lists where possible (they are easier to read).
Article writing is where you will get your knowledge, skills and information published or broadcast to the whole world. Also, building quality content for your blog helps with ranking in search engine rankings (SEO) since it gives Google something original to rank.
The information given in this blog is very good but i have a question that are there different formats of article writing?
My younger brother wants to write an article so he asked me about the steps for doing article writing. At that time I didn’t have a answer of his question but now after read this blog i will share it to my younger brother. I know this blog will help him very much.
The information given in this blog is very good but i have a question that are there different formats of article writing?